Our work and activities are often showcased in diverse media elements such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines. We also like to visit schools and provide talks and demonstrations to the general public and attract kids into science and engineering. If you are interested in having us visit your school, company or organization please contact us to discuss suitable schedules for a talk, demo, or simply to ask us questions on how our robots work.
Appearances in the Media
CTV Alberta Prime time (Aug. 10, 2012): CTV Alberta Primetime - Drones: Business vs Privacy​​​.
Unmanned aerial vehicles - or drones - may soon get Alberta airspace and could become big business here. Joining us for this discussion are Sterling Cripps, Chief Operating Officer of the Canadian Centre for Unmanned Vehicle Systems; Sharon Polsky, National Chair of the Canadian Association of Professional Access and Privacy Administrators; and Alex Ramirez-Serrano, Director of the Autonomous Reconfigurable Robotic Systems Laboratory at the Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary.
NSERC (May 4, 2012): ​​​​​​​​​Eye in the Sky - Unpiloted aircraft in a future near you​​​. NSERC two minutes with Dr. Alex Ramirez-Serrano.​
During search and rescue missions, every minute counts. Alejandro Ramirez-Serrano is developing unmanned vehicles, also known as "mobile robotics", to help emergency response teams enter disaster zones, navigate debris and locate survivors quickly and safely.